Monday, November 3, 2008

sunny day in hell pt. 2

the road next to my building officially leads nowhere....
there had been days in the past when i would see dogs, barking randomly as if wake up the nothingness that, i thought, perhaps lay the dark..
but alas...they didn't comeback...i never saw the same dog again...

undeterred, today i walked down the said road myself was easy enough..i just needed my mums phone number on speed dial, in case something happened...or may be the dogs returned..

the road was long and winding and i was slow and lethargic.....suddenly, quite unexpectedly, i tripped on the dim light it seemed like a shoe of some kind....

I'm no expert but it was definitely a foot prop of some kind though the possibility of it being the rajasthani headgear could not be completely ruled out...the fact that it seemed to be smiling back at me didn't help...i must however, point out at this time that my curious look of astonishment is nothing compared to what the strange object on the mysterious road was apparently giving me...i cursed at it and moved on...

it might, at this point in this great adventure story, appear to the reader that the same may be loosing all factual relevance and hence the reader may be inclined to convince him/herself that this is in fact a giant waste of time. to the reader, the author would like a extend an equally giant hand gesture and pray to the great one that the uninformed one be spared of what was about to happen to the author further down the road.

the footwear/rajasthani headgear was apparently not the only curious piece of attire on the mysterious road...which would make sence since footwear/rajasthani headgear generally come in pairs of two and four in certain states down south....this accompanied by the fact that there was some strange symmetry in their shapes made their case for being what they were identified as, stronger. I was now convinced of their identity.

so i looked at my watch and counted randomly... logic prevailed and i took several steps towards the darkness that lay ahead...what was strange during these several steps was utter silence that followed....

i thought, realizing i was pressed for time, that my stupid friends might not wait for me to open the sweet rum that had apparently been freshly brewed by the saintly monk who lived for making godly sweet liquor....they say he's been very old for a while now...but that not stopping anyone...

let get this over with, i thougt in my head....and started running without a care in the world.....

1 comment:

Amit said...

dunno wt compelled me to write this...couldn't bring myself to delete it...